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- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- REACE.BAT (C) Juergen Peters, 1998
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- Version 0.12a 05-10-1998
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- Batchfile to convert any given archive into the ACE format (or any other)
- using UU.EXE ("Universal Unpacker").
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The needed tool UU can be frequested or downloaded at the BBS of the
- author (Adresses and telephone numbers near the end of this text) under
- the filenames UUnnnE.EXE (english version) resp. UUnnn.EXE (german
- version). 'nnn' means the version number, eg. UU133E.EXE. Additionally
- UU can be found in internet at "ftp.elf.stuba.sk/pub/pc/pack".
- Please take also a look at Marcel Lemke's (author of ACE) homepage
- "http://members.aol.com/mlemke6413/ace.htm".
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Attention: This is the first try of a REACE batch and still very imperfect.
- Use it at your own risk! The author is not to be made responsible for
- data loss or other missfortunes.
- The batches and the program TDIR.EXE are FREEWARE (for UU.EXE see UU.TXT).
- On principle REACE can also be used to convert into any other archive
- format. Instead of ACE.EXE any other packer may be called in the batch.
- REACE.BAT is for DOS 5.0 or higher and needs (besides the unpacker UU.EXE)
- the additional tool TDIR.EXE. REACE.BTM runs under 4DOS 5.0+ and does not
- need TDIR.EXE.
- The tool TDir performs some work which DOS is not able to do:
- - Split the archive name into path, filename and extension.
- - Store name of the current directory in environment.
- - Create a temporary directory and change into it.
- - With /D as second parameter erases tempdir and changes back to
- the previously stored directory.
- - With a third parameter not only the directory REACE$$$.$$$ is erased,
- but also its base directory, eg. C:\TEMP\REACE$$$.$$$
- Example: TDIR C:\TEMP /D erases only REACE$$$.$$$ in C:\TEMP
- TDIR C:\TEMP /D X erases REACE$$$.$$$ _and_ C:\TEMP.
- Should TDir output an error message that there is not enough
- environment space, please increase it in your CONFIG.SYS. For example:
- ^^^^
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- A.) REACE.*
- -----------
- Now to the function of REACE itself. The syntax is:
- REACE ARCHIV.EXT [further parameters for UU; optional]
- Examples:
- ---------
- REACE DBASE.ZIP /D creates DBASE.ACE and - if successful -
- erases DBASE.ZIP.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------
- With REACEALL.BAT/.BTM it is possible to convert several archives in one run.
- The syntax is:
- REACEALL ARCHIVE(S) (wildcards allowed)
- If a pathname is used with ARCHIVE(S), also the drive letter should be
- applied, if the temporary directory in REACE.BAT/.BTM points to another
- drive (the default is C:\TEMP). For example
- and not
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Tips:
- -----
- 1.) Further settings for UU.EXE or ACE.EXE may also be implemented in
- REACE.BAT resp. REACE.BTM directly if to be used on a regular basis.
- For a default archive banner the switch -zcommentfile may be added
- after ACE.EXE for example.
- 2.) If you are using the default settings in UU.CFG, it is recommended to
- erase that file. This speeds up the operation of UU.EXE significantly,
- because there is no need anymore to read UU.CFG line by line. UU.EXE
- uses the internal program defaults instead.
- 3.) If the archive contents shall be scanned for viruses after unpacking
- and before creating the new ACE archive, simply uncomment the
- corresponding lines in the batches (remove the '::'s) and edit them
- to use the virus scanner of your choice.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- What REACE (still) can't do:
- ----------------------------
- - Adopt archive comments 1:1 from the source archive.
- - Apply a special treatment for AV-secured archives.
- I am working on it... :-)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Files in the distribution archive
- ---------------------------------
- - REACE.BAT Batch for DOS 5.0+.
- - REACE.BTM Batch for 4DOS 5.x.
- - REACEALL.* Batches for multiple conversion.
- - TDIR.EXE Additional tool for REACE.
- - REACE.TXT This short documentation.
- - UU.* Universal Unpacker (needed for decompression).
- - ENGLISH\*.* English versions.
- - FILE_ID.DIZ Short program description for BBSs.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- My address: Juergen Peters
- ----------- Sundernstr. 30
- D-33829 Borgholzhausen
- Germany
- Fax/BBS : +49-5425-4405
- FidoNet : 2:2432/344
- VirNet : 9:493/4244
- ZyXELNet : 16:4902/144
- GerNet : 21:100/1744
- OS2Net : 81:491/3244
- TreiberNet : 405:3260/973
- eMail : Gray.Beast@t-online.de
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Program history:
- ----------------
- 0.01 07-22-97 - First beta.
- 0.02 07-23-97 - Sfx files are now converted into EXEs correctly.
- - Switch /R is default with UU.EXE now.
- 0.03 07-24-97 - Little syntax help, if called without parameters or
- archive not found.
- - Referring to freeware character in this text :-).
- 0.04 08-04-97 - German and english versions available.
- - Tool UU is not supplied any more with REACE. Please
- download it separately (see beginning of this doc).
- - Some small corrections.
- 0.05 08-16-97 - Parameter /X is used with UU.
- - UU is supplied again with REACE (only EXE, CFG, TXT).
- 08-17-97 - REACE.BTM and REACEENG.BTM use SET/M (if someone calls
- the batches from a shell or the like).
- 0.06 08-29-97 - If source and target are sfxes, the source is renamed to
- .EXO before creating the target to avoid name conflicts.
- 0.07 09-05-97 - REACEALL batches for conversion of multiple archives in
- on run (including wildcards).
- - English versions in own subdirctory ENGLISH.
- 09-06-97 - Bugfix at EXE renaming. As an old 4DOS user I did not
- take account of one of the inflexibilities of "pure" DOS.
- 0.08 09-08-97 - Correct handling of archives which contain readonly files
- with REACE.BTM.
- - Tempdir REACE$$$.$$$ was not deleted by REACE.BTM.
- 09-11-97 - Fixed passing parameters from REACEALL.* to REACE.*.
- 09-16-97 - New UU version.
- - Hint to PATH variable in batches and this text.
- 0.09 09-18-97 - Fixed another bug in REACE.BTM concerning sfxes (thanks
- to George Shadoff).
- 0.10 09-21-97 - Early detection of unknown or already ACE file as errortrap
- for REACEALL *.*. If another packer than ACE.EXE is used,
- please change the corresponding errorlevel 90 to the one
- of the other format, eg. 15 for RAR (suggestion by George
- Shadoff).
- - Two examples for using another packer than ACE added.
- 0.11 09-29-97 - Minimized problems when converting LZH files with absolute
- paths within.
- - New UU version.
- 0.12 11-01-97 - More recognized archive formats (new UU.EXE 1.32).
- 01-01-98 - Again enhanced UU.EXE.
- 0.12a 05-10-98 - " " "
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